After I had my first child I was so unprepared for the recovery process post birth. Although I knew that I should take it easy, but I wasn't entirely sure why post recovery was so important.
Of course it didn't take long for me to realise that I had lost all muscle memory and the ability to hold everything together! This of course resulted in a lot of aches and pains and overall discomfort.
Thankfully I had been advised by my doctor to purchase a pair of the SRC recovery shorts to help with the healing process, and I'm so glad that I did.
I had no idea that 53% of women suffer from abdominal separation, also known as Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscle (DRAM) postpartum.
It is caused by a combination of abdominal weakness, hormonal changes, weight gain and the stretching of your abdominal wall to grow a baby!
For those women who suffer from abdominal separation, they're more likely to experience back pain, hernias, pelvic girdle pain, and pelvic floor dysfunction, so it's crucial to try and repair the muscles after birth.
Wearing the SRC recovery shorts in the days immediately after giving birth really helped ease my pain and gave me so much extra support.
The shorts have different support panels built with targeted compression to give you the support you need.
I would highly recommend the SRC recovery shorts to all new mums.
I have mine packed in my hospital bag and ready to go as I am literally days away from having baby number two!
For more information about the shorts and other great products available at SRC please go to their website
I actually shared the above post the day I gave birth to my second child, so I thought it was appropriate to add that I am now wearing the SRC shorts 5 days post baby. The shorts are assisting me with my recovery journey and the support they are providing me is already helping so much. I'll wear the shorts as often as possible in this very important stage of recovery.
5 days post baby number 2 - wearing for RECOVERY! Not to regain my pre baby body